Saturday, January 28, 2012


Here are just a few cleaning tips that may save you money, time, and elbow grease!

1.  The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is your friend. It will cut your cleaning time in half for bathtubs, sinks, counter tops, and dirty walls. MONEY SAVING TIP--BUY MELAMINE FOAM SHEETS IN THE INSULATION SECTION OF YOUR NEAREST HOME IMPROVEMENT STORE--ITS THE SAME THING AT A FRACTION OF THE PRICE!!

2.  Vinegar and water is a great deodorizer for a musty bathroom. Spray your shower down as you're getting out. It really absorbs the odors, and the smell of vinegar goes away in an hour.

3.  Clean your microwave oven by microwaving a cup of water with some baking soda in it until it's boiling. That eliminates odors and makes it super easy to wipe away all that stuck-on stuff.

4.  To eliminate that ring in your toilet, drop in a bubbling denture tablet, and leave it for at least 30 minutes or overnight. The stain will come off with just a few swishes of the brush. BIG ELBOW GREASE TIP- USE SHEET ROCK SAND PAPER THAT LOOKS LIKE A BLACK MESH FROM HOME DEPOT TO GET THE RINGS AND HARD WATER OFF YOUR TOILET.

5.  BIGGEST MONEY SAVING TIP-- Use a 50/50 mix of peroxide and white vinegar in your carpet shampooer instead of the expensive carpet cleaning detergents. Your carpets will come cleaner and smell fresher just like a professional did them!


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